The Supreme Court of India is unrelentingly making attempts to have the twins born through surrogacy to be sent along with the German Couple to their homeland. Understanding the feeble chances of granting Indian Citizenship to the children, the Indian government tried negotiating with the German Authorities to grant nationality for the children as a ‘special case.’ However, the German Authorities held a firm ‘no’ as surrogacy was not permitted in Germany.
The Indian Government had agreed that the Central Adoption Resource Agency shall relax its restriction on children born through surrogacy and shall try for the adoption of the children by the intended parents. The Supreme Court responded by directing the government to file an affidavit expressing its willingness to relax the regulation for this purpose. The case is next posted to March 16th 2010.
The impact of the proposed decision of the Apex Court is certainly alarming. The Supreme Court of India is on the verge of ruling that the children of Jan Balaz (the German) have to be adopted from the surrogate mother. This would have an indirectly effect the names of the intended parents on the birth certificate. Once it is ruled that the surrogate mother has to give in adoption, it clearly means that the surrogate mother is the legal mother of the child and that their name will figure on the birth certificate. This would again create confusion in the law of international surrogacy where in the absence of laws in India, the Supreme Court is holding the surrogate mother to be the legal mother of the child. This of course is not in accordance with the surrogacy agreement which the couple of entered with the surrogate mother and also with the ICMR guidelines which clearly states that the name of the Intended Parents shall be in the birth certificate. It has to be noted at this instance that the Birth Certificate in this case carries the name of the surrogate mother and Mr. Jan Balaz, the German National.
The Supreme Court of India has not been briefed on the other couples who have taken up surrogacy in India with the belief that the birth certificate would be issued in the name of intended parents. This decision shall have an impact on all those cases where intended parents are already pregnant with the surrogate mothers with a premise that the birth certificate would be issued in their name. A representation to the Supreme Court on this count is imminent.
As per my knowledge, According to ART Bill, 2008 prepared by ICMR, the commissioning parent/s have to give the name of a local guardian apart from themselves if they are Indian and in case of foreign couples also the same procedure has to be followed.