The surrogacy market in India is now set to boom than ever. One of the main reasons for this is contrastingly, the fall of the world economy.
Intended Parents from all over the world who have planned to have a child through surrogacy somewhere during this time have been taken by shock with the falling markets. The savings set aside for achieving the dreams of motherhood, is now pressed upon for other needs. This being the case, ambitious Intended Parents look for India as a means for their dreams.
The global markets have crashed and now people are looking for cost effective alternatives than surrogacy in the developed countries. For couple from all over the world, India figures as one of the best choices in terms of reproductive tourism. The United States Laws are most accommodative for commercial surrogacy. The procedure for taking the surrogate child born from India to the United States is apparently simple. This being the position, intended parents from United States traveling to India for surrogacy is surely set to boom.