Indian Surrogacy Law Centre salutes Dr. Robert G. Edwards on being conferred The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the year 2010. The medical break through brought by him had certainly furthered the reproductive medicine beyond a normal scope. The Nobel Prize has found itself in the hands of a distinguished person, who has been able to withstand the pressure of the society in terms of the ethical concerns even at the most early times of his research in the human embryo. The birth of Louise Brown in the year 1978 to Lesley and John Brown had created history of birth of the first human through In Virto Fertilisation. IVF had moved from vision to reality and a new era in medicine had begun. Since then several improvements have been made in the field of embryology wherein work conditions have been greatly perfected.
It is also noteworthy that the world’s second IVF child “Durga” (Kanupriya Agarwal) and India’s First was born merely three months after the birth of Louise Brown which was performed by Dr Subhash Mukhopadhyay in 1978.