Legal Screening is one of the elemental steps towards International Surrogacy and this post explains on the reasoning and need of Legal Screening for Intended Parents.
What is Legal Screening?
Legal Screening is a risk factor assessment mechanism for the intended parents who are looking for taking up surrogacy in India. It provides Indian and International intended parents the essential legal elements for choosing surrogacy in India, also giving them an insight of legal issues that they might encounter during and after the process of surrogacy.
Why Legal Screening?
Legal Screening is a great step forward towards surrogacy. The Intended Parents from all over the world come down to India for surrogacy, with the mind of taking back the child to their homeland. Legal Screening helps them assess whether it can be done and how to do this. Taking up legal screening at the earliest point of time, even before taking up the procedures saves a lot of time after the delivery of the child.
Who does Legal Screening help?
Every Indian and International Intended Parent is advised to take up legal screening. The Indian Council for Medical Research in it ‘National guidelines for accreditation, supervision and regulation of ART clinics in India’ has pressed attention for the Intended Parents being informed about the medical and legal aspects of surrogacy before taking up the procedures. The legal aspects are not being explained to Intended Parents, thus the Intended Parents do feel the brunt of it after the birth of the child.
More importantly, Legal Screening helps Same Sex Couple and Single Parents to make sure of the laws of their land and that of the India on how to take the child to their nation. The completion of the medical procedures does not entitle the Intended Parents to take their child to their nation. The laws of nationality have to be complied.
What is the connection between Legal Screening and the Surrogacy Agreement?
Surrogacy Agreement is a step that comes after the process of Legal Screening. In fact, Legal Screening is the first leap to surrogacy. The Legal Screening clears issues on taking up of the surrogacy procedure and how to take the child to the nation of the Intended Parent. It also helps in finding of the right surrogate. It would endeavor to serve as the most comprehensive clearing system for taking up surrogacy.