The Ministry of Home Affairs by its communication dated 23rd July 2012 transfers the application partly to the Ministry of External Affairs. It could be noted here that the Ministry of External Affairs had brushed aside the RTI Application earlier made to them pertaining to the publication of surrogacy notification in the websites of the Embassies and failed to provide any information pertaining to the same. The post pertaining to failure to disclose information is here. It would be interesting to witness if the Ministry of External Affairs discloses information pertaining to the publication of the Surrogacy Notification in the websites of the Indian Embassies and Consulates.
Question 21 of the RTI Application related to the number of Exit VISA stamping done for cases of surrogacy. The Ministry of Home Affairs had transferred the particular question to the all the State Governments, Union Territories and the Foreigners Regional Registration Officers (FRROs).