The Bangalore Nandhi Layout Police had launched a case against one Mr. K T Gurumurthy on charges of child trafficking, and kidnap and sale of newborns based on a complaint by one of his clients. K T Gurumurthy is running Srushti Global Trust in Basaveshwarnagar, Bangalore.

Gurumurthy claims himself to be fertility specialist and embryologist. He had promised one of clients, Dhan Bosco to arrange a surrogate mother for Rs. 3,50,000 so that the couple could have a child genetically related to them. Dhan Bosco had provided his sperm sample in the year 2008. After about 7 months Gurumurthy informed the couple that a girl child is born to them. Gurumurthy did not justify the early birth of the child.

The child had later suffered some ailments. Depressed over the illness of the child, the wife of Dhan Bosco passed away. Dhan Bosco then took a DNA test which showed he is not genetically related to the child. It is then he learnt Gurumurthy had cheated him. Aggrieved by this, he approached the police authorities and charged with kidnap and trafficking of the new born for the purpose of sale, cheating, threatening and criminal intimidation.

Gurumurthy is currently facing another prosecution on charges of cheating childless couples, after promising them IVF treatment. The earlier was launched in January 2014. Gurumurthy is now under police custody for a week’s time.

This come right in the time when an Australian couple had abandoned a child born through surrogacy in India, while taking its twin.


2 Thoughts on “Baby selling racket in Bangalore linked with Surrogacy

  1. maybebabybutonlyinIndia on November 11, 2014 at 9:06 am said:

    I am sorry but this is NOT a new idea, anyone can agree to disagree, but, let me be totally clear. We where stupid to believe that the IVF MD we worked with won a Nobel Prize….. Looking back, all I can say is ?what?
    But seriously, I had heard rumors of this, 7 month birth crap, and ya know what….. I spent 5 months in India when my daughter was delivered at seven months, just like the other 45 babies in Max Hospital. They lied all they could, “placental abruption”
    1. Im a nurse
    2. I had my driver TAKE me to my surrogates home
    3. according to my MD, “she was viable” listen, there is a reason why pregnancy is suppose to be almost 40 weeks. Ill cut slack and say schedule a c-s maybe ten days early, but earlier than that, your just playing God.

  2. Baby selling racket is not only active in Bangalore but is in major parts of India and this should be stopped…However, it is a real shame that nobody is really bothered about it…

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